Exhibition "Mariupol: 86 days of defense" opened in the center of Kiev

The M86 exhibition was opened on Sofia Square, dedicated to the second anniversary of the end of Mariupol's defense. The exhibition was created by Big City Lab as part of the Mariupol Defense Chronicle together with NGOs "Azovstal Heart" and "Azovstal Families Association" with the support by Mariupol Reborn and Metinvest Group.
The exposition has a design framed by metal pipes with a description of the 10 most significant events of protection of the city. It is located in the form of an arrow, which indicates Mariupol. The concept was worked by architect Anna Pomazanna from the Kharkiv School of Architecture and curator Nastya Ishchenko from Big City Lab.
M86 is a project aimed at honoring Mariupol's heroic defense. Culmination of it began on February 24. On the portal of the project, the daily chronicle of Mariupol defense appeared every week. Any eyewitnesses of those events were able to add their testimony to the chronicle.
All military bases at the level of commanders - from Azov to Marines, from border guards to the Armed Forces - not only joined the creation of the chronicle, but were the main authors. From today, editing is no longer accepted. We have the final version. Ali is very important for us that this chronicle comes out as a book - in Ukrainian and English. We plan to present it in Washington. This book is not just the memory of those who died, but more a lawyer tool to fight for the most defenders who are still in captivity
The authors of the project emphasize that the chronicle is verified by the militaries. Each fact in it has confirmation from several sources. The chief author was Mariupol journalist, who works under the pseudo "Maripol Sector". And a significant role in its creation was played by relatives of the defenders of Mariupol.
Recalling the spring of 22 years, I was very scared that this feat would not be appreciated, that everything that our boys did, due to lack of communication, media, due to the inability to convey this truth about the real situation in Mariupol, it would disappear. Projects such as the chronicle continue this life, they broadcast what was happening, they help in a lawyer. And we are very grateful that we have the opportunity to join that we can continue to use this information that we can part of this project. For families is really important to see support on this level
More than one hundred servicemen, law enforcement officers, representatives of city authorities and communal services, doctors, rescuers, Mariupols of different professions made their contribution to the writing of the chronicle. The project is currently available in Digital format https://www.m86.city/.