22 August 2023

Thanks to the Mariupol Reborn partners 360 families from Mariupol will receive temporary housing in the Dnipro

Житло для маріупольців

The first 11 families have already received certificates of residence and keys to new apartments from the mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boyko, and director of communications of SCM, member of the supervisory board of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, Natalya Yemchenko.

Thus in Dnipro, a new stage of reconstruction of two dormitories of the Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar and the National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic", where 1,000 immigrants from Mariupol will live. The project is implemented within the framework of "Mariupol Reborn" and "YAMariupol. Housing".


The issue of housing is one of the most urgent for the residents of Mariupol. After all, thousands of families were left without homes. Renovating dormitories is the fastest way to provide families with social housing. Thanks to our partners, we can gradually implement this support project. We plan to gradually expand it to other cities of Ukraine

Vadym Boychenko, mayor of Mariupol

Social housing will be thoroughly renovated and will have modern, comfortable living conditions for Mariupol families: rooms with all the necessary furniture and appliances, playgrounds for children. In addition, the dormitories provide comfortable shelters with beds, food, water, and bathrooms.




On this path, the Mariupol City Council was supported by the Government of France and Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov. So, in particular, the Akhmetov Foundation will finance the arrangement of common areas in the dormitories, DTEK will help restore the power grid, and Ukrtelecom will provide working high-speed Internet.

To move on, a person needs a home, at least temporarily, to gather his strength and thoughts. I am proud that we, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, are helping to equip such homes for the people of Mariupol, here in Dnipro. Both the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation and SCM businesses - DTEK, Ukrtelecom - support current projects for Mariupol residents and are ready to support the next ones. The cooperation of cities, philanthropists, businesses and international partners provides the support that Ukrainians deserve, which every day brings us closer to a common Victory

Natalya Yemchenko, director of communications at SCM, member of the supervisory board of the Rinat Akhmetova Foundation and the supervisory board of Mariupol Reborn


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