In Ukraine launched the first Community Recovery Academy: preparing for post-war reconstruction

Within the framework of the International Forum "Creating Tomorrow: Post-War Reconstruction and Recovery" presented "Community Recovery Academy", which will become a global platform for the preparation of municipal managers of post-war restoration of Ukraine. At the heart of the project is the experience of Mariupol Reborn's initiative and the international expertise after the Second World War. The main purpose of the school is to exchange expert knowledge and to implement the best solutions to restore Ukrainian cities affected by russia's aggression.
The event united representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, local self-government, including representatives of affected by war communities, international organizations and leading Ukrainian universities, which are partners of the project. The forum was attended by representatives of 60 municipalities who are interested in learning and can become the first students of the school.
The official start of the Project "Community Restoration Academy" was announced by the Executive Director of the Association of Cities of Ukraine Oleksandr Slobozhan, the first secretary of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Ukraine Lucy Bakland, the head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine Maciej Janczak, the head of the Section for the development of temporarily occupied and de-occupied communities of AUC, mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko and member of the supervisory board NGO Mariupol.Reborn and SCM Communications Director Natalia Yemchenko.
During the opening of the speaker emphasized the importance of teamwork and the leading role of communities in the effective reconstruction and transformation of Ukraine:
The Community Restoration Academy is part of the comprehensive work of the Association of Ukrainian Cities to assist the residents of temporarily occupied and de-occupied territories today and the restoration of communities after our victory. The Association of Cities of Ukraine has a systematically section that works together with communities that need to be resolved at the state level. It is both IDP assistance and the preparation of documents for future community restoration. The Municipal Recovery Center has already begun work, which is aimed at assisting the communities in the preparation of the documents provided by law and necessary for the financing of projects. The Municipal Center is already collecting, consolidating requests and proposals from the communities and provides their advocacy at the state level. And now the school starts training municipalities teams
We see the need to implement a decentralization policy and a local approach to rebuilding. Because communities like no other understand that they would be the best solution for them
The idea of the project initiated by the Association of Ukrainian Cities with the support of international partners is extremely important, as communities play a key role in the process of reconstruction, restoration and transformation of Ukraine. Communities' challenges need more efficient and multilevel management and decision-making principles
Today, our challenges include not only the restoration of infrastructure, but also the creation of teams of professional managers capable of developing strategies and recovery projects. The Community Recovery Academy will be a key assistance in this process. It is aimed at forming highly qualified municipal teams that will work on rebuilding the country after the war. Mariupol already has its experience of developing - Mariupol Reborn recovery strategy. Through Academy we strive to convey this experience to each community by forming joint recovery plans
For Rinat Akhmetov's business system, it is a great honor to be a partner and founder of the restoration school. This Academy is about the chance to rebuild Ukraine on the basis of new principles. This is a chance to jump old problems, make Ukrainian cities competitive for many years ahead. To do this, we need to resist partners. These are educational partners. These are our city partners. People have always been key. Community capacity should always be in focus
It is a great honor for us to promote the formation of new knowledge and skills that were not previously. For the first time, Ukraine faces such challenges. There are partners who have experience after the Second World War - both successful and not very. It will allow us to use the best developments and strengthen them with decisions relevant to us here and now, which will form our own background
Following the official presentation of the Community Recovery Academy, two discussion panels were held, which discussed the key issues of post-war restoration: "The great national idea of reconstruction: Ukraine begins with communities" and "Reconstruction of Ukraine: International Experience and Partnership". The speakers and participants of these panels have noted some important points.
During the discussions, the speakers emphasized several key aspects of recovery. One of the main ones was the issue of reconstruction that will provide communities with a clear vision of their plans and development strategies. Also, considerable attention was paid to the problem of returning residents to their hometown and villages. Communities should create conditions that will stimulate people to return and join the transformation process. The common opinion of all participants was the understanding that the communities play a major role in the reconstruction of the country. This requires systemic education and skills that will help you effectively implement changes.
This forum was the first important step in the implementation of the project to prepare municipal teams for the reconstruction stage, and the selection of students among community community students will begin soon. 80 experts from 20-25 communities will be involved in the first educational flow of the community restoration school. The educational program will start this fall. The municipalities will learn the formation of community strategy, economic modeling, overcoming social conflicts, attracting investments and resources, etc.
Community Recovery Academy founded by the Association of Ukrainian Cities and NGO Mariupol.Reborn, aims to prepare municipal managers for the recovery period. The project is implemented with the support of the UK government under the UK International Development and the International Republican Institute (IRI UKRAINE) in partnership with Metinvest and SCM. The educational partners of the project are Metinvest Polytechnic and National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".