12 December 2023

Meeting Japanese diplomats with Mariupol Reborn team

Watch Японські дипломати відвідали київський центр підтримки переселенців «ЯМаріуполь» on YouTube.

Many Japanese know about Mariupol, about the tragedy of the city that happened to him. A lot of people want to support you. Our group and our government - we will help Mariupols!

Deputy Chairman of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine Iidsym Yasumasas

Japanese diplomats visited the Kyiv Center for Support "IMariupol". During the meeting of Mariupol Mayor Vadim Boychenko and Member of the Supervisory Board of NGO "Mariupol.reren", SCM Communications Director Natalia Yemchenko with the deputy chairman of the representative office of Japan in Ukraine Iidzima Yasumas and Top Managers of the Japanese Agency of International Cooperation, it was about participating in the development of the Plan of Restoration - Mariupol Reborn, in particular in the part of obtaining expertise from leading Japanese specialists on the formation of a new economic model of the city; Extension of the circle of partner cities of Mariupol Reborn, signing the declarations of solidarity with Japan cities, as well as the possibility of supporting the Japanese side of the Mariupol community.

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