24 January 2024

The Ambassador of Ukraine to the Netherlands thanked for the support of Mariupol

Ambassador of Ukraine to the Netherlands Olexandr Karasevych visited the city of Utrecht. During his meeting with the mayor of Utrecht, the head of the Association of Dutch Municipalities, Sharon Deiksma, he expressed gratitude for the support of Ukraine and Mariupol.

In particular, for the contribution of the Utrecht municipality to interregional cooperation with Mariupol. Involvement of the Dutch city in the projects of reconstruction of the city of Maria.

Утрехт Маріуполь

Remind, in April 2023 the mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko and the mayor of Utrecht Sharon Deixma signed a declaration of solidarity on cooperation in the revival of Mariupol after de-occupation. The document gave the start of cooperation in the field of water management and construction as part of the development of the city revival plan - Mariupol Reborn.

In addition, the support of the project was joined by the Union of the Metropolies of Polish, which brings together the 12 largest Polish cities, including Warsaw, Gdansk, Lublin and others.

Mariupol Reborn's project is implemented by the Mariupol City Council with the Investment Support of Rinat Akhmetov's SCM and international donors.

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