18 October 2024

Case and Solution of the world examples of cities recovery after wars and catastrophes

Over the last 100 years, the world has developed a lot of successful recovery cases after and even in wars and armed conflicts. Poland, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, France, South Korea, Croatia, Iran, Columbia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Cyprus: Vertifications, aggressor countries, countries fighting terrorist organizations and drug cartels, countries in civil war.

Different stories, similar consequences:

📌 millions of victims: killed, wounded, refugees

📌20% to 50% of the lost national wealth and industrial potential

📌 Destruction up to 80% of different infrastructure and entire cities

📌 from $ 8 to $ 886 billion material loss

📌 5 to 20 years to recover, in some countries it lasts for decades

Deep socio-economic crises required thousands of decisions. Many of them were effective and can be useful in Ukraine:

✅ Digitalization of internal administration

✅ Special tax regimes, rigid financial discipline

✅ Citizens' settlement policy of annexed/destroyed territories and their farm arrangement

✅ Comprehensive State Program of Re-Socialization of War Veterans

✅ Smart construction of destroyed cities and a normalized policy of construction of new ones; Priority of reconstruction by industry on the basis of indicative indicators

✅ Bid on high -tech processes and education reform

✅ Structuring and distribution of responsibility between levels and executors of reconstruction programs

✅ Successful use of preferences from EU membership and other Euro-Atlantic structures

*Materials from the site of NGO "Institute of Analytics and Advocacy"

An open lecture by the Professor of Architecture of Maryland University and International Expert on City Rebuilding After Catastrophes, Matthew Bell, organized by the Community Recovery Academy, revealed the most interesting and useful world cases to restore territories.

We strive to acquaint as many people as possible - representatives of local self-government, business, public sector with the possibilities of rebuilding countries with seemingly catastrophic consequences. There are proven mechanisms and clear ways that modern Ukraine can go in its post-war recovery.

Community Recovery Academy founded by the Association of Ukrainian Cities and NGO Mariupol.Reborn, aims to prepare municipal managers for the recovery period. The project is implemented with the support of the UK government under the UK International Development and the International Republican Institute (IRI UKRAINE) in partnership with Metinvest and SCM. The educational partners of the project are Metinvest Polytechnic and National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

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