Construction, modern transport system and rehabilitation establishments - key topics of workshop in Kropyvnytskyi

Mariupol's citizents in Kropyvnytskyi discussed the topic important for the community on the next workshop "I - Mariupol: I have to live". On it the team of Mariupol City Council told about one of the important stages of development of the plan of revival of the city of Mariupol Reborn - Fast Recovery Plan.
It is an algorithm of actions that need to be taken immediately after being de-occupation in order to stabilize the situation, restore infrastructure, start utilities and social services, and prepare for large-scale reconstruction.
Among the top dialogue topics:
- Creating appropriate registers on the basis of RZPM (before de-occupation) that will allow to evaluate housing needs
- to provide materially rehabilitation establishments, prosthetics centers
- construction of a waste processing plant, launch of communal transport for workers
Worshop participants support early preparation for the city's revival, since after returning Mariupol to the flag of Ukraine - many challenges will have to be resolved. The speed of their solution depends on the future of the city and the pace of revival.
I think that the emphasis should be placed on the restoration of the city. There are many programs that testify to this, such as "Recovery UA". In particular, more young people need to be involved in the restoration of the city. So will improve the economy and position of the city
Better now everything is calm, clearly develop a restore strategy and go into the city already with the plan of reconstruction of the city and move on the plan made
Mariupol's residents all over Ukraine are involved in such discussions. Meetings from this series have already been held in Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsa, Rivne, Khmelnytskyi, Odessa, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhya. Such workshops will be held in all cities where there are yariupol centers. The proposals of the Mariupols and the priorities of them will be taken into account in the work.
Mariupol Reborn project is being implemented by the Mariupol City Council with the investment support by Rinat Akhmetov's SCM.