07 September 2023

Mariupol Reborn should become a symbol of Ukraine's revival and unity of Europe

Карпач форум

The mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko participated in the XXXII Economic Forum "New Values of the Old Continent - Europe on the Threshold of Changes", which takes place in the Polish city of Karpach. It is one of the largest political and economic conferences in Central and Eastern Europe. It collects leaders of politics, economics, local self -government, culture and science. On it the head of Mariupol spoke about the plan of revival of the city after the de -occupation of "Mariupol Reborn", which after the restoration should become a symbol of the reconstruction of Ukraine and the unity of Europe.

Vadim Boychenko noted this, speaking during the panel discussion "After de -occupation: economic and social challenges of Ukrainian cities in the context of demography". According to him, Mariupol became a tragic symbol of war. In 86 days of blockade and total shelling, the city has become ruins with huge human losses. Almost 350,000 residents left occupation, being in Ukraine and abroad. In 52 thousand Mariupol families, housing was destroyed. But despite this, most of the Mariupols unite in the desired to return to their hometown after de -occupation.

Now we work on the vision of Mariupol after de -occupation. We develop a large -scale revival plan - Mariupol Reborn. But the focus of our plan is not the number of houses, not kilometers of roads, not the number of businesses. In the focus of our attention are people of Mariupol. And the main goal is to bring people back to Mariupol after de -occupation. And already under this we form an economic model, vision of spatial development and other components of the revival. For us, revival is the return of people. Everything else is just tools how to achieve the main goal

Mariupol Mayor Vadim Boychenko
Вадим Бойченко

Mariupol Reborn consists of a number of stages. It includes as Fast Recovery plan, which should be taken immediately after the de-occupation in order to resolve the issue of the humanitarian crisis, stabilize the situation, restore critical infrastructure, and build the city with a new mast plane with a new vision of spatial and economic development.

According to the mayor Mariupol, it is possible to do this by combining the efforts of the state, international partners and businesses that will be able to create the necessary incentives to return people to de -industrial territories and reduce the impact of Russian propaganda in the world stage.

On July 4, 2022, in Lugano, the Chairman of the European Commission Ursula von Der Lyen, in her speech, said a very important thing: to restore Ukraine is the moral duty of the civilized world. This statement has become a symbol that Ukraine has reliable partners along this path. The symbol that after victory, we will be able to revive our home and our Ukrainian Mariupol

Mariupol Mayor Vadim Boychenko

Mariupol Reborn is implemented by the Mariupol City Council with investment support of Rinat Akhmetov`s SCM and international donors.

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