25 January 2024

Mariupol Reborn study: Work on rethinking of cities of Ukraine

A workshop "Involvement and Partisipation" took place in Lviv at the basis platform of the Mariupol Reborn. A participants were representatives of Nikopol, Lozovsk, Sumy, Pokrovsk and Nizhyn communities. The program is organized by the Urbanistic Coalition RO3KVIT together with the Stockholm Business School and the University of Stockholm.

During the workshop, which took place under the "Rethinking of cities in Ukraine" program, participants worked on the approaches of community involvement in strategic spatial planning in war conditions, analyzed stakeholders, got acquainted with Ukrainian and international experience in involvement in informal spatial planning of cities. Also, representatives of five participating communities have been aware of conflict work and dialogue with residents, and of course, learned to evaluate the results of involvement.

Реборн навчання

Our partners are our strength. Together we are able to prepare Ukrainian communities that have suffered from the devastating war of russia against our country. Mariupol Reborn is not only a Mariupol revival strategy, not only a ready-made algorithm for rebuilding any community. Mariupol Reborn is also a platform, a real space for communication between everyone who is started for the quality revival of Ukraine

Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko

City researcher and sociology Maria Gryshchenko became the curator of the involve and partisip workshop. She focused on the role of NGOs in reconstruction, work with memory and injury in the urban space, as well as on inclusive projection of the affected areas. Same time, Ragnar Lund - the head and initiator of the rethinking of cities in Ukraine, representative of the Stockholm Business School, a consultant in the field of financing, cultural management and sustainable urban development.

Реборн навчання Львів

We will remind, the curriculum for building the potential of Ukrainian municipalities "Rethinking cities in Ukraine" on the basis of the Lviv platform Mariupol Reborn consists of 4 modules and lasts 6 months. The results of the work of the participating teams will be:

  • a plan for implementing the city's strategic spatial planning was developed, based on the recovery scenarios in the community;
  • a proposal of a pilot project based on strategic priorities and purposes;
  • Presentation of the implementation plan and pilot project for stakeholders and partners at an international conference in Stockholm (Sweden).

Mariupol Reborn project is implemented by the Mariupol City Council with the Investment Support of Rinat Akhmetov's SCM and international donors.

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