03 November 2023


On 2 November, Mariupol municipality team presents Fast Recovery Plan programme in Dnipro at the Mariupol Reborn Platform for the representatives of communities affected by the full-scale russian invasion.

The First Deputy Mayor of Mariupol, Mikhail Kohut, discussed with community representatives the developments of the Mariupol City Council's team of experts. The Fast Recovery Plan is a part of the larger Plan of city revival Mariupol Reborn. Its algorithm of actions and developments will help other communities prepare for de-occupation in advance.

Михайло Когут

When our cities are liberated from the russian invaders, we will not have time to work through all these issues. That is why we are preparing now. How can we effectively cooperate with the State Emergency Service to demine the territories and avoid new tragedies when people return, how many resources do we need to restore utilities and provide the population with heat, cold and hot water, and electricity? How many specialists do we need for this? There are a lot of questions, but we already have answers to most of them, because we are adopting the experience of rebuilding European cities after the Second World War. The cases of Gdansk, Poland, and Cologne, Germany, were very useful. And we realise that after de-occupation, people will expect municipalities to act quickly because they really want to go home!

said Mykhailo Kohut, First Deputy Mayor of Mariupol.  

Fast Recovery Plan – is a step-by-step action plan to address the main problems of the community to stabilise the situation and prepare the ground for reconstruction. The programme can be successfully implemented by every de-occupied Ukrainian community. After all, these are the same issues and challenges - preventing a humanitarian crisis, restoring critical infrastructure and basic utilities, installing street lighting and launching public transport.

The experts of Vadym Boychenko's team noted that it takes two years to implement the Fast Recovery Plan, and only then can the next stage, the economic revival of the city, be started. This includes:

- reconstruction of housing, schools, kindergartens and hospitals,

- creation of new jobs and return of business,

- rebuilding roads and transport links,

- work on launching such areas as culture, sports, trade, industry, etc.

громади Дніпро

The meeting was held as part of the signed Declaration of Solidarity on Cooperation. It was attended by representatives of the communities of Mariupol district, Enerhodar, Sievierodonetsk, Bakhmut, Berdiansk, Kherson, Bucha and Luhansk oblast. All of them are ready to cooperate, share their experience and expertise on the way to rebuilding Ukraine and overcoming the consequences of the occupation.

The Mariupol Reborn project is being implemented by the Mariupol City Council with the investment support of Rinat Akhmetov's SCM and international donors.

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