14 June 2023

Mariupol Reborn: World-renowned architectural firm Gensler to help revive Mariupol

Співпраця з архітектурним бюро

Mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko signed a Memorandum of Partnership with the American architectural firm Gensler. It is one of the world's leading design and architecture firms and it will help create a vision for modern Ukrainian Mariupol.

We are engaging world-class experts to rebuild Mariupol and Ukraine. The goal is to give a new and modern life to Ukrainian Mariupol. And we are already uniting the efforts of the whole world, including big business, the best urbanists and leading experts for the sake of the future. Together, we will transform Mariupol from a symbol of a devastating war into a city of peace, victory and unity in the fight for freedom. Mariupol is going to be reborn!

Vadym Boichenko

Gensler has designed the world's second tallest building, the 632-metre Shanghai Tower, as well as offices for Adobe, NVIDIA, the New York Times, The Washington Post, Wallmart, and dozens of major infrastructure projects.

We are grateful for the opportunity to join the Mayor's team and this inspiring mission. We are delighted to bring our coverage and breadth of experience to the Strategy for a stronger and more resilient Mariupol. Today marks a new beginning as we begin to develop the Mariupol Recovery Strategy. Our common goal is to create an architecture of optimism and a vision of the future that will give hope to the city's citizens. By working together, we can rebuild a better and brighter future for Mariupol.

Julia Simet, Managing Director of Gensler Europe.


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