10 October 2024

More than 100 participants from 14 regions of Ukraine have begun training at the Community Recovery Academy

The first introductory lecture was held at the Community Recovery Academy.

More than 90 participants - representatives of the teams-participating joined the online conference. Among them are representatives of local authorities from the regions that were most affected by the war: Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia, Kirovograd, Volyn and Rivne regions.

With a welcoming speech and motivational instruction, the meeting was opened by the Executive Director of the Association of Cities of Ukraine Oleksandr Slobozhan. After a brief organizational entry under the guidance of a certified management consultant, MBA teachers and the head of the Ukrainian school, Olena Yuzkova, the first lecture was held.

Школа відновлення громад

The main part of it was devoted to the topic "Strategic Management in the Community" from Andriy Dligach, an expert with 22 years of experience in consulting, marketing and strategic management.

Andriy shared his experience and emphasized the importance of active actions from the communities. According to statistics, 83% of young people aged 18 to 35 in Ukraine want to go abroad due to lack of prospects. That is why communities should become a driving force of change - stimulate business, maintain cultural development, provide quality working conditions and competitive pay.To achieve these ambitious goals, you need a strategy with a clear vision of what the community should be.

Recall that the Community Recovery Academy is the first educational platform in Ukraine to prepare municipal managers of a new format for the country's restoration period after the war. It is based on the examination of Mariupol Reborn's project and the international experience of reconstruction of cities after World War II.

Training for community representatives will last until March 2025. The program includes lectures, practical cases, forums, panel discussions, workshops and video courses. The municipalities will learn the formation of community reconstruction strategy, economic modeling, overcoming social conflicts, attracting investments, resources, etc.

Community Recovery Academy founded by the Association of Ukrainian Cities and NGO Mariupol.Reborn, aims to prepare municipal managers for the recovery period. The project is implemented with the support of the UK government under the UK International Development and the International Republican Institute (IRI UKRAINE) in partnership with Metinvest and SCM. The educational partners of the project are Metinvest Polytechnic and National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

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