30 January 2024

New generation of Ukrainian architects is studying at Mariupol's expertise

A winter workshop of the Kharkiv School of Architecture was held on the Mariupol platform in Lviv.

The chief architect of Mariupol conducted a lecture on the reconstruction of Mariupol for students and students of KSHA.  The vision of reconstruction, work on its implementation and challenges for the reconstruction of Mariupol was presented to the participants of the workshop.

Львів Маріуполь Реборн

The Kharkiv School of Architecture shared his impressions of the event on the social network Facebook. 

For more than a year, we have been working closely with Mariupol Reborn and Mariupol City Council. We were united by joint challenges and a joint vision of Ukraine's rebuilding processes. We are grateful for the opportunity to exchange experience and raise important issues that do not lose their relevance and remain an integral part of the educational program for students and students of the Kharkiv School of Architecture

it is written in the message

Львів платформа Реборн

We will remind, in September 2023 Mariupol City Council, KSHA and Mariupol Reborn signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Mariupol Reborn's project is implemented by the Mariupol City Council with the Investment Support of Rinat Akhmetov's SCM and international donors.

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