25 August 2023

Project seminar "Mariupol Reborn" in the Archiclub showroom: discussion of 4 visions of the city's revival

відродження Маріуполя

On August 21 and 22, a project seminar was held in the Archiclub showroom as part of the "Mariupol Reborn" project - the first of the planned ones, the purpose of which is to combine various architectural visions of the development of the city of Mariupol after de-occupation.

Four architectural studios, namely Rozkvit, BIG CITY LAB, Mriya, and Viktor Zotov's studio, presented their visions for the reconstruction of Mariupol. The project seminar took place both online and offline. You can learn more about each concept by clicking here.

The project seminar allowed us to consider such important issues as problems of citizens, the main values for cooperation with residents, the impact of architects on social sustainability, the development of educational spaces, visions of future educational zones, approaches to work with public places, interaction with citizens regarding the memorialization of the city, and finally , impressions and conclusions from the discussion. Architectural teams are united in their desire to find the best solution for Mariupol and its residents.

All 4 Mariupol revitalization projects will be presented at a large panel that will take place on October 6 as part of the II Architectural and Construction Business Forum at Parkovy Center in Kyiv.

The project seminar was organized by the media group DMNTR | "Home and Interior", the information partner of both events, is the IZBA architecture and design blog.



"Mariupol Reborn" is the largest city revival project in Europe since the Second World War. The project is carried out by the team of the mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boychenko, on behalf of the head of the Donetsk regional military administration, Pavel Kyrilenko, with the support of the EBRD, the USAID Project "Economic Support of Ukraine", the main investment partner is the SCM group of companies Rinat Akhmetov.


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