"For the sake of life"! The artistic charity exhibition opened in Lviv

On May 10, a solemn opening of the exhibition project "For the sake of life" took place on the Mariupol platform in Lviv. Representatives of Mariupol and Lviv City Council, Art College named after Trusha, Gnativ Studio Art School, Mariupol's, Lviv's and city guests.
The exhibition "For the sake of life" is a unique artistic project aimed at understanding the "calling" of weapons and raising funds to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The exposition consists of military attributes - tubes and sleeves, talentedly transformed into art objects.
Following the welcoming speeches, the ideologist of the exposition Sviatoslav Petrovskiy and the coordinator Alevtyna Shvetsova conducted a curatorial excursion by the exhibition, telling about the history of the creation of each exhibit.
The creation of exhibition materials was joined by artists and artists from the Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after Ivan Trush and Professional Art School "Gnativ Art Studio Lviv". In total, the exposition consists of more than 40 works, which 36 masters and craftsmen worked on.
We often see volunteers who, with the help of weapons, raise funds to help the military. The artists in their work rethinking what was once a weapon and killed or protected people. Now it is all a tool for drawing attention to war, a war that has become part of our everyday life. I am glad that Mariupol Reborn brings together more and more people and helps to embody the projects directly related to Mariupol, but which are an integral part of our resistance to russian aggression.
The concept of the exhibition reflects the belief that weapons are a tool for both destruction and protection. Ukrainian soldiers use it to preserve life - the protection of our country and the people. Flowers, plants and other traditional tubes and sleeves are once again reminded of the insurmountability of life and hope for the Renaissance.
Головна мета виставки «Заради життя» – зібрати кошти для 25 батальйону 47 бригади, яка протистоїть ворогу на Авдіївському напрямку. Експозиція спонукає людей шукати промінь світла серед темряви, зокрема і через мистецтво, що допомагає зводити мости між сьогоденням і майбутнім над проваллям війни.
Link to a monobank for donats. Among those who make donat from 300 UAH, one of the artwork will be played on the final day of the exhibition.
The exhibition operates until May 20, 2024.
Mariupol Reborn Platform (Lviv, Ferenz List, 6 street)