22 May 2024

Ukrainian schools of the future. Presentation of transformation concepts

In Ukraine, hundreds of schools need recovery from the war. But these schools will be created according to qualitatively new concepts, which were presented in Kiev on May 22.

Most modern Ukrainian schools were built on typical Soviet projects. 35% of such educational institutions are 5 architectural types of buildings that are repeated throughout Ukraine. Therefore, to restore hundreds of schools damaged by the war, 5 concepts that will be barrier-less, safe shelters, creating spaces for children, modern design and energy efficiency will be enough. This will help to create schools in which children will learn to trust themselves and the world, will gladly learn different disciplines in comfortable laboratories and workshops, create joint projects in comfortable places for play and recreation, which are so lacking in our schools.

Михайло Федоров

When we started working with the Ministry of Education and Science, we began to transform education, we realized that we need to change not only the content and meaning of education, but also to transform the school spaces. Space affects human thinking. Our vision - schools should be like a small office Google or Netflix where breakthrough ideas and dreams are born

Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Science and Technology Education - Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

What exactly will change in schools after transformation?

  • Barrier-less: all schools should be accessible to all participants in the educational process;
  • Priority security: each educational institution should be equipped with a comfortable and reliable shelter;
  • open space for creativity, joint project activity and recreation, which will promote socialization;
  • Modern design, energy efficiency and the most efficient organization of space.

Оксен Лісовий

Educational spaces should reflect the approaches of modern school, culture and values that we want to cherish it. If we declare that freedom is value to us, then in schools we should also give this freedom to children. Not only to choose items, although it is also, but also, for example, to sit on windowsills that are specially equipped for this. Content and form are interrelated, so our task is to transform it in a comprehensive way

Oksen Lisovyi, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The spatial transformation of educational institutions will reflect the values of the New Ukrainian School, above all - child-centricity. It is not construction, it is a laboratory of the practitioner of the future, which tests all the principles and forms of rethinking of soulless old buildings into new modern buildings.

Вікторія Тітова

It is not necessary to wear old schools and build from scratch to provide children with quality access to education: transformation costs 30% cheaper than new construction. We have developed not only approaches to transformation, but also pro-elastic documentation for the first five pilots that were able to include the best world practices and balance the cost

Victoria Titova, CEO Big City Lab

The presented concepts were developed with the assistance of Mariupol Reborn, in particular on the basis of the examinations provided.

Наталя Ємченко

One of the great transformations for the better that Ukrainian cities need, all Ukrainians - cities should become human -centric, child -centric. Public spaces built on totalitarian logic should get rid of it. First of all, it is about typical Soviet schools. They should not be restored, but transformed into a comfortable, favorable environment for learning and development. It is for us, as a Ukrainian business, that the big idea of supporting the school's state -owned project. We sincerely hope that the first transformations of schools will take place and inspire to change others

Natalia Yemchenko, a member of the Supervisory Board of NGO "Heart of Azovstal", NGO "Mariupol.Reborn", Communications Director at Rinat Akhmetov's SCM.

In Mariupol, such schools have already been opened before a full-scale invasion. Therefore, it is important for the project that they are restored after the city's de-occupation.

Вадим Бойченко

Support and understanding space should be a modern Ukrainian school. Space where the center of the child's personality is, and a modern interactive infrastructure for his mental and physical development is built around. The main thing is that the center of our attention is not the building, but children are the most important treasure of Ukraine

Mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko

Metinvest and DTEK financed the development of project documentation.

The reconstruction of destroyed schools cannot be based on the development of half a century ago. These should be modern, comfortable, environmental, safe establishments that will be a point of gravity for each student. Hope the development of urban school infrastructure will be our important contribution to improving the welfare of citizens

Tatiana Petruk, Director for Sustainable Development and Interaction with Human Resources in Metinvest

Дмитро Сахарук

Children are our future. It depends on them how a free and independent Ukraine will look in the future. Therefore, it is important to give them the most favorable and safe conditions for training. I am convinced that projects for the reconstruction and reconstruction of educational institutions are the first but very important step that will make the learning process of students more comfortable and more efficient. With 14 years of experience in the implementation of various educational programs on the DTEK Academy platform, we understand how important modern and quality education is for the development of new generations of professionals. Therefore, for us, the transformation of schools is a responsible mission and an important contribution to the development of Ukraine

Dmytro Sakharuk Executive Director in DTEK.

The development of the projects of architectural transformation of schools is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science with the support of Metinvest and DTEK Rinat Akhmetov's companies, based on the concepts developed by Mariupol Reborn, in collaboration with the executive partner of Big City Lab and Lithuanian Architectural Rebuild The Wonderful, on the initiative of the Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Science and Technology Education-Minister of Digital Transformation of Mykhailo Fedorov.

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